아티스틱디렉터 - 리암 길릭이 선정한 세계 16개국, 31팀의 아티스트들이 오카야마를 무대로 귀중한 작품을 전시합니다.
Yu Araki 荒木悠 (아라키유)
Trisha Baga (트리샤바가)
Noah Barker (노아바카)
Robert Barry (로버트바리)
Anna Blessmann and Peter Saville (아나브레이스만피터자빌)
Angela Bulloch (안제라브로크)
José León Cerrillo (호세레온세리요)
Michael Craig-Martin (마이켈크레이그마틴)
Peter Fischli David Weiss (페터 휘쉐리다비드웨이스)
Simon Fujiwara (사이몬후지와라)
Ryan Gander (라이안간다)
Melanie Gilligan (멜라니길리건)
Rochelle Goldberg (로쉘골드버그)
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (도미니크 곤제레포에레스터)
Pierre Huyghe (피엘 유이그)
Joan Jonas (존조나스)
Tatsuo Majima 眞島竜男 (마지마타츠오)
Katja Novitskova (카차노비스코바)
Ahmet Öğüt (아멧오굿)
Jorge Pardo (호르헤파르도)
Philippe Parreno (필립파레노)
Rachel Rose (레이첼로즈)
Cameron Rowland (캬메론로란드)
Shimabuku 島袋道浩 (시마부크)
Motoyuki Shitamichi 下道基行 (모토유키시타미치)
Rirkrit Tiravanija (리크리트티라벤자)
Anton Vidokle (안톤비도클)
Hannah Weinberger (한나웨인베거)
Lawrence Weiner (로렌스웨이너)
Anicka Yi (아니카이)
아티스트 디렉터
Liam Gillick (리암길릭)
Liam Gillick
A Game of War (Terrain), 2016
Liam Gillick, Campaign, Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art
Photo Filipe Braga
Liam Gillick
Born in 1964, England. Currently working based in New York. His work began to attract attention in the late 1980s, with works such as plane and three-dimensional works, video works, writings, curation, variety of music, inquiring about the relationship between art and society, Gillick’s production technique refers to the quest of social hierarchy and ideal society. He often co-produces with other authors. Gillick’s contribution to discussions of the British Museum of Contemporary Art and to further development relational aesthetics is remarkable.
Born in 1985, Yamagata. He currently lives and works in Tokyo. He has presented numerous works both in Japan and abroad. His major exhibitions include “Temple of the Templet” (2016, Yokohama Museum of Art, Art Gallery 1), “Sharing Footsteps” (2015, Youngeum Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea), “MOTHERLANDS” (2014, JIKKA, Tokyo).
Trisha Baga
Installation View, Orlando, Greene Naftali, New York, 2015
Courtesy of the artist and Greene Naftali, New York
Photograph: Elisabeth Bernstein
Trisha Baga
Born in 1985, Florida, the United States. She currently lives and works in New York. Her major exhibitions include “Seven on Seven” (2016, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York), “Co-workers” (2015, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris), “Plymouth Rock 2” (2012, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York) and more.
Noah Barker Prologue: Divergence Motor/Albatross Alarm, 2015
Courtesy the artist and First Continent, Baltimore
Noah Barker
Born in 1991, California, the United States. He graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2013. He currently lives and works in New York. His major exhibitions include “Divergence Motor/Albatross Alarm” (2015, First Continent, US). He is not only an artwork creator but also a curator of exhibitions.
##A 『Soundtrack for Development』 『Soundtrack for Development(Installation)』
Robert Barry Wire Sculpture with Ring, 1968
Courtesy Robert Barry and untilthen, Saint-Ouen, France
Photography by Ana Drittanti
Robert Barry
Born in 1936, New York, the United States. He currently lives and works in New Jersey. His recent major exhibitions include “Robert Barry: Diptych, Window-Wallpiece” (2014, Montclair Art Museum, US), “There Will Never Be Silence: Scoring John Cage’s 4’33”” (The Museum of Modern Art, New York) Etc.
##C 『Wire sculpture with ring』
『All the things I know but of which I am not at the
moment thinking—1:36 PM; June 15, 1969』
An artist duo, artist Anna Blessmann (born in 1969, Berlin) and graphic designer Peter Saville (born in 1955, Manchester, UK). They started to collaborate on works in 2001. They currently live and work together in London. Their major solo shows include “Swing Project 3” (2014, The Cabinet Gallery, London) and more.
Born in 1966, Canada. She currently lives and works in Berlin. Her recent major exhibitions include “Considering Dynamics & the Forms of Chaos” (2016, Sharjah Art Museum, United Arab Emirates), “UGO RONDINONE I ♥ JOHN GIORNO” (2015, Palais de Tokyo, Paris) Etc.
##A 『Rio Declaration - 27 Rules of Sustainable Development, English & Japanese』
##B 『Rio Declaration - 27 Rules of Sustainable Development, English & Japanese』
Born in 1941, Ireland. He currently lives and works in London. His recent major exhibitions include “Transience” (2015, The Serpentine Gallery, London), “NOW” (Shanghai Himalayas Museum and other museums), “Signs of life” (2006, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria) Etc.
Peter Fischli (born in 1952) and David Weiss (1946-2012) are an artist duo that were both born in Zurich. In 2003 they received the Leone d’Oro at the 50th Venice Biennale. Their recent major exhibitions include “Peter Fischli David Weiss: How to Work Better” (2016, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York) and more.
##C 『Untitled (Mobile)』 『The Point of Least Resistance』
Simon Fujiwara Joanne, 2016
Courtesy of the artist, Commissioned by FVU, The Photographer’s gallery and Ishikawa Foundation,
Supported by Arts Council England
Simon Fujiwara
Born in 1982, the United Kingdom. He currently lives and works in Berlin. Winner of the Cartier Award at Frieze Art Fair in 2010. His major solo shows include “White Day” (2016, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery), Group exhibitions include “Un Nouveau Festival” (2014, Centre Pompidou, Paris) and more.
Born in 1976, the United Kingdom. He currently lives and works between London and Suffolk. He has had touring solo exhibition, “Make every Show like it’s your last” (2013-2016). He traveled across Europe and the American continent and visited 6 different countries and 7 venues include Manchester Art Gallery in the UK, Aspen Art Museum in the US.
Born in 1979, Toronto, Canada. She is currently based in New York and London. Her major exhibitions include “Mellanie Gillgan-The Common Sense” (2015, De Appel arts centre, Netherlands). She also attended Manifesta 8 (2010, Spain).
Rochelle Goldberg Is The Plastic Thirsty
Courtesy of the artist
Rochelle Goldberg
Born in 1984, Vancouver, Canada. She is currently based in New York. Her major solo exhibitions include “The Plastic Thirsty” (2016, Sculpture Center, New York) and “The Cannibal Actif” (2015, Federico Vavassori, Italy) and more.
Born in 1965, France. Her recent major solo shows include “1887-2058” (2015, Centre Pompidou, Paris), “TH.2058” (2013, The Turbine Hall of Tate Modern, London). She has had exhibitions in renowned museums and galleries throughout the world. She has also participated in numerous international exhibitions include the Venice Biennale.
Born in 1962, Paris, France. He is currently based in New York. In 2001, he received a Special Award from the Jury of the Venice Biennale. He performed “The Roof Garden” Commission at the Metropolitan Museum, New York in 2015. The exhibition “Pierre Huyghe” toured Centre Pompidou in Paris and other museums during 2013-2014.
Joan Jonas They Come to Us without a Word II, 2015
Performance at The Kitchen, New York, NY, 2016.
Photography by Laura Perez-Harris
Courtesy the Artist and Wilkinson Gallery, London
Joan Jonas
Born in 1936, New York, the United States. She is currently based in New York. Her recent major exhibitions include Venice Biennale (2015, representing the US Pavilion, Italy), “Light Time Tales” (2014, HangarBicocca, Italy) and “They Come to Us without a Word” (2013, Center for Contemporary Art Kitakyushu) and more.
José León Cerrillo Place occupied by zero (RAL5022 and RAL3015)
powder coated aluminum
varied dimensions 2013
images courtesy the artist and Andréhn-Schiptjenko
José León Cerrillo
Born in 1976, Mexico. He is currently based in Mexico. His major exhibitions include “Registro 04” (2015, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, Mexico) and “The New Museum Triennial” (2015, New Museum, New York), and “Abstract Possible” (2011, Museo Tamayo, Mexico) and more.
##A 『Place occupied by zero (Okayama PANTONE 072, 178, 3245)』 『POEM (walking up in the morning and never there in the same way),
(maybe not a source of truth, but a subject destined to the world, nonetheless), (it’s a house; no it’s a boat; no it’s a man…)』
Born in 1970, Tokyo. He is currently based in Kanagawa. His major exhibitions include “Oita Toilennale 2015” (2015, Oita FORUS) and “Amerika:idea/fantasy/dream/myth/image” (2014, Camberwell Space, London) and more. He also has given a number of performances and lectures.
Katja Novitskova
exhibition view, Spirit, Curiosity and Opportunity, Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin, 2014
courtesy Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin
photo: Hans-Georg Gaul
Katja Novitskova
Born in 1984, Estonia. She is currently based in Amsterdam and Berlin. Her major solo exhibitions include “Dawn Mission” (2016, Kunstverein in Hamburg, Germany) and “Life Update” (2015, Kunsthalle Lissabon, Portugal). She has also joined group exhibitions such as Biennale de Lyon in 2015.
Born in1981, Turkey. He is currently based in Amsterdam and Berlin. His recent major solo exhibitions include “Vooruit! Forward!” (2015, Van Abbemuseum, Netherlands). He has joined group exhibitions such as “Don’t Follow the Wind-Non-Visitor Center” (2015, Watari-Um Museum, Tokyo) Etc.
Jorge Pardo 4166 Sea View Lane
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Jorge Pardo
Born in 1963, Cuba. He is currently based in Mexico and New York. His recent major exhibitions include “Toulouse International Art Festival” (2014, Musée des Augustins, France) and more. He has also attended international exhibitions such as Bienal de São Paulo (Brazil) and Sculpture Projects Münster (Germany).
Born in 1964, Algeria. He is currently based in Paris. His major exhibitions include “H {N)Y P N(Y} OSIS” (2015, Park Avenue Armory, New York) and more. He has held a number of exhibitions at major museums and galleries in Europe, USA and Asian countries including Japan and Korea.
##I 『With a Rhythmic Instinction to be Able toTravel Beyond Existing Forces of Life (Green, Rule #1)』
Rachel Rose
Photography by Ron Amstutz. Courtesy of the artist, Pilar Corrias Gallery, London and Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York
Rachel Rose
Born in 1986, New York, the United States. Currently working based in New York, she has received the 2015 Frieze Artist Award. Recent solo exhibitions include “Rachel Rose”(2016, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen US), “Everything and More”(2015, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, US) and more.
Cameron Rowland Greater New York, MoMA PS1, Long Island City, New York, 2015
Installation View
Courtesy the Artist and ESSEX STREET, New York
Cameron Rowland
Born in 1988, Philadelphia, the United States. Currently working based in New York. His major exhibitions include ”91020000”(2016, Artist Space, New York), “Greater New York”(2015, MoMA PS1, New York), “Slip of the Tongue”(Punta della Dogana, Italy) and more.
Born in 1969, Hyogo. Currently working based in Berlin, his major exhibitions include “When Sky was Sea”(2014, The Contemporary Art Gallery, Canada) and more. He has participated in many international exhibitions including the Habana Biennale, Venice Biennale and more.
Born in 1978, Okayama. He is currently based in Nagoya. Among his major solo exhibitions are “How to look over the sea” (2015, Nagi Museum of Contemporary Art, Okayama) and “Sunday Painter” (2010, Art Tower Mito, Criterium 79, Ibaraki) and more. His various activities include workshops, lectures and contributions.
##A 『torii』
『14 Years Old & The World & Borders, Okayama』
『Fragments of Borders』
Born in 1961, Argentina. Currently he is working based in New York, Berlin and Chiangmai. His major exhibitions include “Tomorrow is the Question”(2015, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow) and more. Such as the Venice Biennale, he has also joined many international exhibitions.
##G『untitled 2016
(this is A
this is not A
this is both A and not-A
this is neither A nor not-A)』
Anton Vidokle
film still from The Communist Revolution Was Caused By The Sun (2015).
Courtesy the artist.
Anton Vidokle
Born in 1965, Moscow, Russia. Currently working based in New York and Berlin. His recent major exhibitions include “Field Research: A progress Report”(2015, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow)and more. While being an artist and curator, he is also involved in various projects and a wide range of activities.
##A 『The Communist Revolution Was Caused By The Sun』
Hannah Weinberger As if I became upside down, right side up, 2013
Courtesy the artist and Freedman Fitzpatrick, Los Angeles, Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Basel
Hannah Weinberger
Born in 1988, Germany. Currently working based in Basel. Her major exhibitions include “Toys Redux-On Play and Critique”(2015, Migros Museum of Contemporary Art, Zurich), “Hannah Weinberger”(2014, Bregenz Museum KUB Arena, Austria) and more.
Born in 1942, New York, the United States. Currently working based in New York. His recent major exhibitions include “Written in the Wind: Drawings by Lawrence Weiner”(2013-2014, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Holland) and more. Recent international exhibition 2012 dOCUMENTA(13) (Germany) Etc.
Anicka Yi Embassy Row,
2015 (detail)
Anicka Yi, Installation view 7,070,430 K of Digital Spit,
Kunsthalle Basel, 2015, view on Embassy Row, 2015
Courtesy Anicka Yi & 47 Canal, New York.
Photo: Philipp Hänger
Anicka Yi
Born in 1971, Seoul, Korea. Currently working based in New York. Her major exhibitions include ”Jungle Stripe”(2016, Friedericianum Museum, Germany), ”7,070,430K of Digital Spit”(2015, Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland) and more, with many exhibitions centered in Europe and America.
##D 『Sessile』
『They Don’t Need Eyes』